Map 1,
Map 2 ,
Map 3 , and Map 4 have been divided into 9 equal quadrangles, each with its own letter designation, as indicated in the figure to the right. The index refers to the location(s) of each place name by reference to the map number and the quadrangle letter. Thus, for example, "Mochata, 4a" indicates that Mochata can be found on "Map 4", in "quadrangle a."
The maps used in the work on Ecuadorian highland toponymic element distribution are small and have not been divided into cuadrangles. Because all of these maps cover the same area, the names of the cities and towns given on the toponymic element distribution maps are indexed only for the first one, Map T1 (Mapa de Referencia / Reference Map). T1
Acacana, 4h
Alausí, T1
Ambato, 2e, T1
Azogues, T1
Bella Vista, 4d
Bosque Natural Huashapamba, 4h
Bucachi, 4h
Buenos Aires, 1a
Cañar, 2e, T1
Cañaro, 4e
Cañicapa, 4e
Carboncillo, 4e
Cariamanga, T1
Cayambe, 2b
Celén, 4d
Cerro de Arcos, 4d
Chicaña, 3c
Chilla, T1
Chimborazo, 2e
Chucahuiña, 4d
Chuquiribamba, 3d
Ciudadela, 4h
Colombia, 2c
Condorshillu, 4f
Cotopaxi, 2e
Cubilán, 4f
Cuenca, 2h , T1
Cumbaratza, 3e
Cumbe, 4e
Duluth, 1h
Ecuador, 2e
El Tablón, 4e
El Cisne, 3d
Equator, 2a-c
Esmeraldas, 2a
Esperanza, 4f
Fierro Urcu, 4g
Gañil, 4d
Galápagos, 2d
Gera, 4e
Gonzanamá, 3g
Guadalupe, 3e
Gualel, 3d, 4g
Guayaquil, 2d
Guaysimi, 3i
Gunudel-Gulacpamba, 4e
Gurudel, 4h
Huashapamba, 4h
Ibarra, 2b, T1
Ilincho (I), 4e
Imbana, 3e
Inga Pirca, 4h
Jara Tenta, 4d
La Paz, 1b
La Punta, 3i
La Toma, 3d
La Unión, 4d
Laguna Chinchilla, 4d
Laguna Grande, 4f
Laguna Huatohuiña, 4g
Laguna Surihuiña, 4g
Las Lagunas (L), 4h
Latacunga, T1
Lima, 1b
Llaco, 4g
Llushapa, 4d
Loja, 2h, 3d, T1
Loma Chivato, 4i
Los Angeles, 1i
Los Encuentros, 3c
Macará, 2g
Machala, 2g
Manú, 3a, 4d
Manta, 2d
Mexico, 1e
Miami, 1e
Mochata, 4a
Mozo, 4c
New York, 1h
Ñamarin (Ñ), 4e
Oña, 2h, 3a, 4b
Oñacapa, 4h
Oceano Pacífico, 1c
Oceano Atlántico, 1d
Otavalo, 2b, T1
Pacific Ocean, 2a
Papaya, 4e
Paquisha, 3f
Paquishapa, 4e
Payama, 4g
Peña Blanca, 4h
Perú, 2g, 2h
Pichig, 4h
Piedra Voladora, 4f
Piedras, 4i
Pueblo Viejo, 4h
Puglla, 4e
Putushio, 4b
Puyo, 2e
Quebrada Honda, 4g
Quisquinchir (Q), 4e
Quito, 1e, 2e, T1
Río Jubones, 4a
Río León, 4a, 4b
Río Marañon, T1
Río Negro, 4f
Río Oña, 4e
Río Paquishapa, 4e
Río Quimi, 4i
Río Quinguiado, 4e
Río Rircay, 4a
Río Shingata, 4c
Río Uchucay, 4a
Río Yacuambi, 4i
Riobamba, 2e, T1
San Lucas, 3a, 4h
Santa Isabel, T1
Santiago (Chile), 1b,
Santiago, 3d, 4g
Saraguro, 1e,
4e, T1
Sauce, 4d
Selva Alegre, 3a, 4d
St. Johns, 1h
Sumaypamba, 4a
Tambopamba (T), 4e
Tenta, 4d
Tignas, 4f
Tres Chorros, 4f
Tres Lagunas, 4f
Tulcán, 2b, T1
Tuncarta, 4e
Tutupali, 3b, 4f
Vancouver, 1i
Vilcabamba, 2h, 3g
Vinoyacu, 4h
Yacuambi, 2h, 3b, 4i, T1
Yanzatza, 3f
Yucucapa (Y), 4e
Yulug, 4a
Zamora, 2h, 3h, T1
Zaruma, T1
Zumbi, 3f